Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Day 19

Well now that I've finished negotiating with the magical entity formerly known as my diary, it's agreed to leave me alone, in exchange for being allowed to rent my Chantry. So I've used the equity on my Chantry to buy a Keep. It's fabulous!!! It even has a tower. The realtor tells me the tower is haunted and the reason I'm able to get the sprawling manse so cheaply. I was overjoyed. I've always wanted a haunted tower but all these years I thought the feature cost extra. So Now that I've got power turned on here in the keep, I'll be back on line. There was some sort of code issue with the wiring and they wouldn't turn it on at first. Now I guess it's decoded. I'll be back later I have the tower all set up for a Seance.......But I need to find an apprentice to look after the neophyte while I play with my spook..............

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