Tuesday, June 28, 2005


(temper tantrum in progress that is)

I can't seem to make this annul tantrum spell work either, the little accolyte just howl louder, which I had not imagined was possible. (note to self must explore sonic weapon spells, as well as resistant shielding)

today's to do list:
find out why there is a severed hand running around my fridge
play with the tower spook
blog a bit about something
check my mundane (I mean E-mail) mail
familair obediance classes

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Alchemy foot notes:

(it really has nothing to do with my fictitous mage persona, but still it ift here)

Alchemy focuses on physical and spiritual or mental transformation.

The goal of the Great Work of alchemy, called also the Art, is the "Philosopher's Stone". The Stone was viewed as a magical touchstone that could immediately perfect any substance or situation. The Elixir of the alchemists has essentially the same ability to perfect any substance. When applied to the human body, the Elixir cures diseases and restores youth.

The alchemists' dream is to attain knowledge of the mysterious Philosopher's Stone, or "that Elixir by which such wonders are performed".The Stone is "a blessing beyond all blessings upon earth... given to but very few, and to those few rather by revelation of the good angels of God than the proper industry of man".

Alchemical texts should not be read literally and their content is purely allegorical and mystical. The studies of Carl Gustav Jung show it is possible to detect correspondences between alchemy and mysticism: the alchemist himself, too, was to live through the process of transmutation, and become transformed as a result.

In modern language the Stone is a symbol of incorruptible wisdom achieved by uniting both rational, intellectual thinking (masculine, rational, right brain activity) with our intuitive knowing of the heart (feminine, intuitive left brain activity)
The alchemists believed that perfection could only be achieved by working with both Solar (Scientific) and Lunar (intuitive) ways of knowing and ultimately uniting them in a third state of Stellar Consciousness. Stellar Consciousness is a state of incorruptible wisdom symbolized by the heroic Child that resulted from the marriage of the King and Queen, as well as by Salt, Gold, the Philosopher's Stone, the Astral Body, and of course, the Stars themselves.